Monday, November 28, 2011

30 Character Challenge: Day 24 and 25

Name: Luis Garcia
Title: Lt. Commander of Galileo
Age: 57
Height: 5'10
Weight: 180 lbs
Location: Galileo, floating city in the Colombo Gap in the rings of Saturn
Hair: Graying brown
Eyes: Brown

Bio: Luis is the right-hand man to Linda DeKamp, Commander of Galileo. He is a great asset to the Administration, making sure that all the i's are dotted and t's are crossed. He grew up in the Asteroid Belt, and always wanted to live on one of the gas giants (no one was there yet when he was a child). He lived in Galileo for 10 years before becoming the Lt. Commander, giving him a lot of great practical knowledge of the floating city.

Name: Alpero Lex
Title: Sgt. at Galileo, Operations Division
Age: 87
Height: 7'9
Weight: 280 lbs
Location: Galileo, floating city in the Colombo Gap in the rings of Saturn
Hair: N/A
Eyes: Black

Bio: Don't let the age fool you; Alpero grew up on Mars with Linda. Martians have a much longer infancy that humans, in which they physically mature completely, before maturing psychologically. When Linda applied for a position on Galileo, Alpero did so too, just to see what happened. They ended up getting a  position as a Sargent in the Ops Division, which is just a fancy name for a handyman. Alpero loves their job, though, and is enjoying their time on Galileo (martians have always been big partiers).

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