Monday, November 16, 2009

Here's a picture, for practice uploading images (yes, I am that clueless when it comes to the internets).

Yesterday was a beautiful day in the District, so my roommate and I went down into Rock Creek Park. He studied Arabic and I drew. It was awesome. Usually my drawings aren't this sketchy, but sometimes this sort of practice can be fun. Also, I will avoid drawing trees like the plague, but it was made more forgivable by creating a whole compoistion out of it, instead of just drawing boring boring trees the whole time.

I'm not sure what it is about trees that are so freaking boring for me. I think it's just that there aren't enough straight lines to make it interesting and their perspective is hard to get across. Two-point perspective is such a fun thing to work with -- it's so simple once you have done it once you can do it again time and time again -- but it is so hard to figure out how to make some branches going forward, some going sideways, and others going back into the distance.


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